statin scam
By Lance D Johnson
More than half of adults now on prescription drugs, largely for conditions that can be avoided with simple lifestyle changes
A record number of pharmaceutical drugs were prescribed this past year in England. The United Kingdom’s National Health System (NHS) uncovered an alarming 1.1 million prescriptions for “conditions” that can mostly be avoided with better lifestyle choices. Prescription drug use has become a new societal norm, with mental health declining for numerous people even in […]
By Lance D Johnson
Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Steven Nissen goes full quack, insists people who believe in statin drug side effects are part of a “cult”
Prominent Cleveland Clinic cardiologist, Steven Nissen, is so bought off by pharmaceutical companies; he had the nerve to publicly criticize and blame millions of people who are now suffering from the side effects of statin drugs. His latest article, published in Medpage Today, claims that a “Deadly Internet-Driven Cult” is causing patients to turn away […]
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