By Michelle Simmons
These powerful nutrients dramatically slash your risk of having a heart attack
In the U.S, more than 600,000 people die every year because of heart disease, making it the leading cause of death. This alarming information emphasizes the need for better prevention and treatment of the condition. One of the best ways to prevent heart disease is by taking nutritious foods and supplements. Listed below are nine potent […]
By Lance D Johnson
More than half of adults now on prescription drugs, largely for conditions that can be avoided with simple lifestyle changes
A record number of pharmaceutical drugs were prescribed this past year in England. The United Kingdom’s National Health System (NHS) uncovered an alarming 1.1 million prescriptions for “conditions” that can mostly be avoided with better lifestyle choices. Prescription drug use has become a new societal norm, with mental health declining for numerous people even in […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Aspirin and statin drugs are just bandaids for your heart: Cardiologists aren’t trained in prevention
“We’re not trained in prevention,” warned cardiologist and author of The Paleo Cardiologist: The Natural Way to Heart Health, Dr. Jack Wolfson, DO, FACC in a recent interview with NaturalNews editor, Mike Adams. “They never teach [cardiologists about preventive measures for heart health such as good nutrition and exercise]. And that’s why [conventional cardiology] is […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Better than statins: Cut cholesterol, fight cancer and boost immunity with porridge
Forget taking statins to help you with your heart issues: the secret to good cardiovascular health can be found in a bowl of porridge. Just one bowl a day could transform your health for the better, claims Chris Seal, professor of food and human nutrition and proud wholegrain and cereals advocate. “I believe that if […]
By Vicki Batts
Landmark study reveals what we always knew; food works better than Big Pharma’s poison
If there’s one thing we all know by now, it’s that food really is medicine. What you put into your body has perhaps the most profound impact on your overall health; there’s little dispute about the negative consequences of a bad diet. But when it comes to the good things a healthy diet can do […]
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