All posts tagged with Big Pharma
01/31/2017 / By Vicki Batts

The overuse of prescription drugs in America has long since reached epidemic proportions. One of the driving forces behind this

01/26/2017 / By Ethan Huff

During his first press conference after winning the election, President Donald Trump made some very bold statements that, generally speaking,

02/25/2016 / By Tara Paras

People always associate having high cholesterol with being unhealthy. Most believe having high cholesterol levels inevitably leads to fatal heart

01/14/2016 / By Greg White

The case against controversial statin drugs continues to grow. Adding to the fact that statins – drugs widely prescribed to

10/26/2015 / By Vicki Batts

The ever-popular statin drug may actually reduce your chances of surviving a heart attack. A study published in the journal