Your statins won’t save you: research shows statins increase death risk

Monday, October 26, 2015 by

The ever-popular statin drug may actually reduce your chances of surviving a heart attack.

A study published in the journal Critical Care Medicine found that low LDL (bad) cholesterol and low triglycerides significantly increased patients’ chances of dying within 30 days of having had a heart attack.

Dr. David Brownstein told Newsmax Health that lower LDL levels were associated with a 65% increased risk of mortality; lower triglycerides came with a 405% increase. Dr. Brownstein goes on to comment, “ They don’t tell you in medical school that 50% of people who suffer heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels.”

Dr. Brownstein also says that “adequate LDL cholesterol and triglycerides may be imperative to the continuation of normal cell function during and after a heart attack, and possibly other conditions.”

Researchers at the East Texas Medical Center actually found that 66 percent of patients taking statins began to develop heart problems similar to those that lead to heart failure.

Statins have always yielded questionable results, and like with most of Big Pharma – those who question what is sold to them are ignored.



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